Leadership Studies Track

To meet the requirements of the concentration, students must complete either the Leadership Studies (traditional) Track or the American Foreign Policy Track (6 courses total).

Additional and/or substitute electives are offered each year; students should consult the course offerings in the catalog (below the description of the tracks) for the full list of elective offerings in a given year.


Although there currently is no Honors route in the Leadership Studies program, it often is possible for students pursuing the concentration to undertake an Honors project within their major disciplines on topics that enables them to develop and explore their interests in Leadership Studies. Faculty in the program are happy to discuss this possibility with concentrators and to help them develop suitable Honors thesis topics. In some cases, depending on the topic and the department involved, a faculty member in the program might also be able to serve as an official or unofficial co-supervisor for an Honors project in another

The Introductory Course:

LEAD/PSCI 155: Visionaries, Pragmatists, and Demagogues: An Introduction to Leadership Studies

One Required Course on Ethical Issues Related to Leadership:

PSCI 130: Introduction to Political Theory

Two Core Courses Dealing with Specific Facets or Domains of Leadership:

CLAS 258/ANTH 258/HIST 394/REL 213  Divine Kingship in the Ancient Mediterranean
CLAS/HIST/LEAD 323: Leadership, Government, and the Governed in Ancient Greece
HIST 111/LEAD 150: Movers and Shakers in the Modern Middle East
HIST/LEAD 207: The Modern Middle East
LEAD 205/PSCI 212: Leadership and U.S. Democracy
PSCI/LEAD 206T: Dangerous Leadership in American Politics
PSCI/LEAD 218: The American Presidency
PSCI 345 Cosmology and Rulership in Ancient Chinese Political Thought

One Leadership Studies Winter Study Course

(listed separately in the catalogue)

Capstone Course:

LEAD 425: The Anxieties of Democracy

Note: Please check the course catalog for additional offerings or check with the program chair, Mason Williams, to see if other courses might count as electives.